Rdeča hiša

RDEČA HIŠA (dvoposteljna soba).

Celje je mesto kateremu so skozi stoletja vladali rimski cesarji, celjski knezi, cesarice, gospodje, tovariši predsedniki in tajkuni. Vladajoči razred je vseskozi izrabljal manipulativno moč politike, skozi različne vladne aparate, tako imenovane »podaljške rok«, »štrclje s kljukami«, »desno ali levo roko«, »nujnimi ukrepi« in podobno. Raznoliki principi izvajanja vladnih ukrepov so pripomogli k različnim načinom ustrahovanja prebivalcev. Kot produkt psihološkega pritiska se pojavi uporaba imena Rdeča hiša. To ime so neuradno uporabljali za stavbo v Celju, ki je bila v obdobju po drugi svetovni vojni središče in dom vladajoče politične stranke. Za zaprtimi vrati so odločali o vsem in vsakomur. Tisti, ki se niso strinjali s politiko so morali v Rdečo hišo na zagovor. Sankcije za neposlušnost so bile neprijetne in tako je izraz Rdeča hiša postal sinonim za grožnjo. Iz tega obdobja kroži več urbanih zgodb. Ena od zgodb opisuje kako se je izvajal način kadrovanja v tem obdobju.

Nekega dne je prišel na poslovni obisk v celjsko tovarno visoki politični funkcionar, zahteval zamenjavo direktorja ter odšel. Novi direktor bo tovariš Ocvirk. Ukaz so nemudoma izvršili in iz strahu niso omenili, da so v tovarni med več sto zaposlenimi, trije z enakim priimkom. Tako so izbrali enega od tovarišev s priimkom Ocvirk, ki je vodil tovarno naslednji dve leti. Ponovni obisk po dveh letih je tovariša funkcionarja nemalo presenetil. Direktorja ni poznal, a nič zato. Z drugim dnem je prevzel vodstvo tovarne pravi tovariš Ocvirk.

V sobi najdemo mestne simbole, detajle iz zapisnikov, odlokov, izjav in zgodb iz zgodovine političnih dogajanj v mestu Celje. Dodajte svojo zgodbo, postanite knez ali preprosto Ocvirk iz zgodbe o uspehu.


Throughtout the history, Celje was ruled by Roman emperors, Counts of Celje, empresses, lords, comrades and nouveau riche – called tycoons in this country. The rulling class has always wielded political power for manipulation, using different government bodies called »arm extensions«, »hooks«, »right and left hands«, »urgent measures« etc. The different principles of implementing government measures resulted in different methods of intimidation of the local population. The term Red House was coined as a reulst of the psycholocical pressure on Celje's inhabitants. This was the unofficial name for the building housing the Celje headquarters of the ruling party after Wolrd War II. Decisions on everything and everyone were made behind those closed doors. Those who disagreed with the policy were invited for »interviews! at the Red House. Repercussions in case of disobedience were unpleasant to sat the least and so the term Red House became a synonym for threats. There are several urban stories from this period. One of them decribes the corporate rectuitment and hiring methos in that period.

On day, a high-ranking party official convened a business meeting at a factory in Celje. He requested that the current director be relieved of duty and substituted with comrade Ocvirk, effective immediately. The order was promplty executed. However, too scare to object or speak at all, the people at the factoryfailed to mention that among the several hundred employees, three shared last name Ocvirk. Se they picked one of them and appointed his as managing director. When the party official visited the factory two yeards lated, he was in for a surprise: he was greeted by a director he had never met. But he wouldn't lose any sleep over that. The next day, the right comrade Ocvirk was promoted to manager.

The room features city symbols, detailes from minutes, decisions, statements, and stories from the histroy of Celje's political milestones and mishaps. You are welcome to add your story. Become a prince or simply comrade Ocvirk and pave your way to success.

Rdeča hiša
Rdeča hiša
Rdeča hiša